Brand Growth: What Does It Take To Be Radically Different? (Imagination, Courage, And Building Distinct Brand Assets) And How?

Brand growth: what does it take to be radically different? Learn how imagination, courage, and building distinct brand assets are key factors for success. “Born for sport.” That was Kobe Bryant’s tagline for the next arena he sought to conquer after basketball — body odor. His brand growth is a perfect roadmap for you, the struggling marketer looking […]

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The Metaverse is ushering in a new world where people can play and discover digital marketing. Here are the implications of Metaverse marketing for your brand. Many individuals believe that the latest internet paradigm change is already well underway: the Metaverse, they claim, is only around the corner. Or rather, it’s already here. Did you […]

The Implications of Metaverse Marketing for Your Brand


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Ensuring a successful brand building process is vital for the prosperity of a business. Here are the steps to take to ensure a successful branding process. There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States alone. With numbers like that, you’re going to need to get really clear on your strategy and to stand out.  It’s almost […]

10 Steps for a Successful Brand Building Process in 2022


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